Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 1 - Toxic Thoughts

Today's Bible Reading: Proverbs 4:1-27

Devotional: Our thoughts matter so much. The thought really does count because what you think determines what you become. Unfortunately, most of us tend to be held captive by toxic thoughts, rather than focusing our thoughts on God's truth. This week you will read from God's Word about the dangers of toxic thoughts and how you can replace them with God's truth.

Response by: Nick Baker
Solomon wrote much of the book of Proverbs and was known for his great wisdom. In Proverbs 4:1-27, he is speaking to the young people of his time about the value of gaining, and holding onto, wisdom…while avoiding and repelling evil.  He speaks to them much like a father would to a child.  He is heartfelt and genuine, and I like to think he’s got that tone in his voice like – “Trust me.  Been there, done that…you don’t want any part of it.”   

What Solomon is trying to do, here, is convey that gaining (and more importantly, using) wisdom is important in all that we do.  With wisdom comes “protection” (verse6).  When we employ wisdom in our daily life, it will elevate and honor us (verse 8). Without wisdom, however, we risk stepping on the “evil” or “wicked”path.  It can lead to “violence” (verse17). 

But this wisdom does not come without work.  Wisdom is gained over time; built as we make decisions and learn from those that did not work.  Knowledge tells me that something didn’t work. Wisdom tells me why something didn’t work.  As we learn from our decisions, and figure out why our actions, words, or behaviors aren’t working, we gain wisdom as to how we should act in our daily lives.  When we stray from wisdom and walk the evil path, we develop relationships, behaviors, and mindsets that are toxic.

Wisdom is built as an output of our thoughts and actions.  Our words and behavior can tell quite a story about us.  Are they telling the story we want them to tell?  Are we held captive by toxic thoughts, instead of liberated by God’s truth? 

Something to talk about: How have toxic thoughts negatively affected your life and relationships?


  1. I have toxic relationships wherever I go & look. I have an uterrally toxic relationship with alcohol that I battle on a hourly basis every day. Because of this ALL of my relationships with family, friends, work, etc... have become so toxic that I don't know which way i should go. I have made my relationships toxic with alcohol and alcohol has made my relationships toxic. Where do I go from here? I can't figure out the right path for me anymore. I feel like my soul is just lost now, and I miss it.

    1. Bro, we ALL have our vices/addictions.
      some too little to be noticed, some more obvious, and worse, some intentionally hidden.

      I do believe EVERYONE is struggling and trying to get rid of something unpleasant, i most certainly am no exception.

      Which is ALL THE MORE reason why we need God.
      He is the only One who can perform an operation within us so deep, that even the unseen rotten things in us can be removed.
      It's ONLY by His grace that we can truly be changed.
      I am struggling with things right now too.
      But I trust Him that He will get me through these things just as He has done so with my other previous issues time and time again.

      I don't know if you've given Him a chance already, but just in case: Please DO!
      His name is Jesus, and He is the [ONLY] way, the truth, and the LIFE. (John 14:6)
      Call upon the name of the LORD, and be saved. (Romans 10:13)
      John 3:16

  2. Steve -

    As you know, an addiction or dependance to alcohol is a physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual challenge.

    Your relationship with alcohol has to be treated first. Detoxification can be a very painful process - especially with substances.

    I don't think my best response is a collection of words - rather a person. I'm thinking of three men in the church - all who have been in a very similar place to where you are - who are in recovery from alcohol and / or substance abuse. I know any of them would be willing to meet with you. If you are up for that - email me at and I will make that connection for you.

    You will also be in my prayers.
