Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 24 - Can You See The Toxins

Today's Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, 2 Corinthians 7:1, John 15:1-17

Today's Devotional: When it comes to cultural toxins, a little bit of poison can go a long way. As a result, it's important that we strive to cleanse those toxins from our system before they do long-lasting damage to our lives.

Response by: Doug Giffin

As I sit here snacking on a Reese’s and drinking a Dr. Pepper I’m having a tough time coming up with any cultural toxins present in my life.  Maybe tonight while I watch t.v. it will come to me.  I may have to think long and hard but I should have plenty of time as I have a ton of shows DVR’ed and I can always find a movie or two to watch.  Unfortunately I probably won’t have any time to go to the gym again tonight but I’m sure tomorrow night will be better.  Heck I’ll probably be so busy tonight I’ll never be able to get to that writing project I’ve been thinking about or talk to Brandie or do our taxes.

What are ya gonna do though, huh?  I mean, a guy has to unwind.  I work hard and my job is really stressful.  I owe it to myself to take it easy once in a while and just hang out.  I’ve earned it and I gotta take care of me.  Besides, I give a lot of that hard-earned money to the church anyway and I help out in a whole bunch of ways.  Why, there’s a lot of people that don’t do a fraction of what I do.  I can’t be everything to everyone can I?

Still the fact that I can’t come up with even one cultural toxin that affects me really bugs me.  Any ideas?

Something to talk about: Name a cultural toxin that started out in your life as something small, but grew into something larger. How has that growing toxin polluted you?

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Doug! I can see myself in virtually every word you typed. It's like my wondering why I am so tired each morning when I only got 5 hours of sleep the night before. Duh!

    So, why is it that I can't seem to get it right? I know I need the sleep, but instead I sit and stare at a TV show I've seen a dozen times before. Why do I allow cultural toxins to get in the way of my relationship with Christ? I know they're in the way...I know that He needs to come first. Apparantly I am a shining example of Matthew 26:41b - "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

    Thank God I am not called to be perfect. Instead, called to improve. :)

    Keep up the good work, Brother!
