Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 12 - Become A Contractor, Not A Demolition Expert

Today's Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-32

Today's Devotional: God's Word gives us a very important instruction that we must all take to heart and obey. That instruction is to speak life-giving words to others every chance we get.

Response by: Jay Vance
The question posed today by the devotional has me really thinking.  Especially after yesterday’s.  Moving from why do we speak toxic words to others, to now who do we speak them to.

Why we do things is one thing.  We can look for the reasons of our actions in all sorts of places.  But being honest with ourselves and looking at WHO we do these actions to is something completely else.  It made me feel that this is the beginning of a paradigm shift in my thoughts.  This question forces us to really look at not just who we use toxic words to, but also where do we use them?  Are our words/actions different with our friends versus who we are when we speak with people at church, for example?  Are we the same person in public that we are in private?  Which person do we want to be?

How do we go about making sure that everything we do is building others up, instead of tearing others down?  This is an extremely hard, but important, question that has to be answered by us individually.  When we put these answers into place, I really believe a paradigm shift is going to take place in our lives, our community, our country, and quite possibly the world.

Something to talk about: Who do you need to start speaking life-giving words to? How will you go about doing it?

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