Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 6 - Whole

Today's Scripture: Hebrews 3:1-6

Today's Devotional: Hebrews 3 encourages us to fix our thoughts on Jesus; however, that can be difficult with so many toxic things trying to capture our thoughts away from Him. Our thoughts are so easily influenced by such toxic things as influences, relationships, and words. Strive to block out and remove all of the toxic things polluting your life and instead fix your thoughts on Jesus. Fixing your thoughts on Him is critical in filtering out all of the toxins in your life.

Response by: Nick Baker
Today’s scripture reminds the early Christians, and us today, that those who consider themselves holy…followers…believers in God, must remember to focus on God and the gifts He has given.  God is faithful.  He was faithful to Moses, who in turn was faithful to God.  God took care of Moses and provided for him.  While on earth, Jesus was also faithful to God and his tenets…even more so than Moses.  For as honored and esteemed as Moses was in the eyes of God, Jesus’ place in God’s eyes was even greater!  Jesus is elevated above all others, in part, because He (as part of His Father) built the foundation upon which we stake our lives and hearts.  

Over 300 years before Christ was born, and nearly 400 years before the book of Hebrews was written, Greek philosopher, Aristotle, taught that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.  This means that the full, itemized measure of every component in something still does not exceed the value of the collective, whole, single item.  

This is demonstrated by today’s scripture when it states that “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” (verse 4)  Consider a house.  If you add up the importance of all the windows, doors, carpet, sinks, appliances, etc, the total will not exceed the overall importance or value of the entire house.  Not financial value…but value as a structure for safety, or a home filled with love. These things have no value by themselves.  Only when combined does the individual find value in the whole.

So it is with us.  God, the Supreme Carpenter , created us out of countless, individual elements into a single entity for the purpose of living, loving, and enjoying the world around us.  He also made us to avoid those worldly things that are toxic.  Houses are treated to protect against mold.  Pipes are constructed to withstand rust.  Filters go on our furnace and air conditioner to keep out pollution.  Mold, rust, and pollution are toxic to our homes just as sinful things, thoughts, words, and deeds are toxic to our hearts and souls.

Something to talk about: How different is your life when you focus on the whole instead of individual parts?  If you focus on the small, toxic things in your life, are you missing out on the large, blessed life He has given you?

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