Friday, January 11, 2013

Join The Conversation

As 2013 begins and The Water's Edge celebrates its first year as a church, we have chosen a theme for what our church will focus on this year:  WE Grow.  Each week in worship, we will provide you with a devotional guide you can do throughout the week.  These guides will provide some thought provoking information, questions to consider, a prayer focus, a memory verse and a challenge for the week.

However, we also know that the best kind of growth happens in community.  We can understand our feelings, thoughts and ideas better when we are able to share them, discuss them and even receive some feedback on them.  With this need for community in mind, The Water's Edge is bringing together seven different members of our church to contribute towards and foster conversation during our five-week Soul Detox series.

Just as our focus for 2013 is WE Grow; our hope is that this blog becomes a place where you can focus on growth.  Share your thoughts, share your opinions, bring your questions and allow this online community to be one which spurs you on in your relationship with God, your relationship with others, your emotional and physical well being, and in your kindness and compassion to the world.

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