Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 2 - A Battle Like None Other

Today's Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6 & Ephesians 6:10-20

Devotional: To battle against your toxic thoughts, you must identify and reject them. As 2 Corinthians 10 tells us, the battle against our toxic thoughts is like none other. It is not a physical battle, but rather it is a spiritual battle that requires God's help in fighting.

Response By: Brad Krebs
Everyday we wake, we face a losing battle.  Sinful actions keep us from a true relationship with God.  They keep us from intimacy and all the blessings that come with such a relationship.  However, in the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus takes that a step further.  He argues that if we have sin in our heart, or in our mind, we have already sinned.  He says that we can sin with out even acting on the sin!  (Matthew chapter 5).  

  • Belt of Truth
  • Body armor of Righteousness
  • Shoes from the Peace of the good news
  • Shield of Faith
  • Helmet of Salvation
  • Sword of the Spirit--the Word of God.  
In order to defeat the onslaught of attacks, we need to equip ourselves with these items.  Arming ourselves is the difficult part.  Luckily for us, if we keep reading, Paul advises on how to do this:
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion" Verese 18a.  By pray in the Spirit, Paul means pray with connection to God, or pray in his presence.  The only way to arm ourselves with God's weapons is to spend time with God, in prayer and study.  
In the scriptures for today, Paul shares that this battle is difficult because the devil works in secret ways.  He works in such ways that we cannot with the battle on our own!  We cannot use weapons of this world, but only the weapons of God (2 Corinthians 6).  Paul elaborates in Ephesians by explaining what these weapons are:

The Soul Detox devotion talks about fighting the toxic thoughts that creep into our minds and hearts.  The devotion also asks about the causes of our toxic thoughts.  For me, they seem to vary.  Usually it comes out of anger.  Luckily for me, I have known this for year, and have become very aware when I become angry. I can't always stop, but I have started praying as my emotions rise.  I try to be in the presence of God, reciting scriptures (or my version of what I can remember of the scriptures) to fight off the toxic thoughts building.  It isn't easy, but the more I equip my self with God's word, the easier it becomes.  

You may never be able to stop them all together, but by arming yourself, by praying in the Spirit, you can more easily defend yourself and purify your heart and mind. 

Something to talk about: What are some of the causes of toxic thoughts in your life?


  1. Like Brad, my toxic thoughts (and for me toxic words follow), are out of anger. When I turn towards the Word and prayer during my times of frustration and anger, I can feel God's peace the the presence of the Holy Spirit. And starting my day in prayer and the Word, helps me to control my anger and frustration because I am rooted in Christ. I know my negative words can affect others, just as they affect me. How often do we tell ourselves we aren't good enough at...fill in the blank with whatever, and we start believing ourselves. This is truly toxic, to fill ourselves and others with lies. Lies that we some how believe. Speak a kind word, not only to others but to ourselves. Studies have shown that it takes 7 positive comments for one to "erase" a negative comment that has been given. We have a choice to fill up or drain, to be toxic or be life giving. And each day, each moment we must make a choice. I know that if we are looking to God and following in his word, that He will guide us in being life giving.

  2. For me, toxic thoughts are usually a snowball effect. Something goes wrong that I did not anticipate and so that changes my mood. Once my mood is altered, I become much more susceptible to other negative (toxic) thoughts. Before I know it, I'm looking at everything in a negative light. It's easy for me to see how one toxic thought can end up ruining an entire day. I agree with Ella, it takes significantly more positive thoughts, comments and events to make up for just one negative. For me, I have to know where I can go in scripture, take the time to focus on turning to God in prayer and even be intentional about seeking out the people and relationships in my life that I know will provide those positives. For me, that's a conversation with my wife or my mom, a half hour of playing with my son, or a turn to some of my favorite passages in scripture.

  3. I think I'm along the same lines as Chad - my "toxic thoughts" usually stem from something not going my way, or not going according to plan. I get frustrated, then let those feelings get the best of me for a while. It takes an opportunity for me to step back and take in the many blessings I do have to "reset" these thoughts and remind me that things happen for a reason - good and bad - and that we control how we react to them.

  4. Brad - I agree about praying when toxic thoughts or anger becomes present. God seems to center me and give me balance during those times I need it the most.

    Ella - I agree about starting the day too. Days that start with prayer and Bible reading always seem to be more fruitful than those that don't!

  5. Brad - I'm right there with you, man. It is so frustrating to have sinned. It's doubly frustrating for me because I know better!

    It really does feel like a losing battle sometimes. I try to do the right thing, but seem to stumble time after time. It reminds me of the lyrics in Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing: "Prone to wander, God, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love." Sin makes me prone to stray from God's teaching and support...instead of leaning on Him for help and direction.

  6. Through the Soul Detox series to this point, I have held onto one verse/thought primarily, to really boil this down to being as simple as possible - "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10.
    I am of the mindset that if we were to block out just that 10 minutes per day to be totally still WITH God, our growth in Him would be immeasurable. Not easy to do, I am finding, due to the whole "racing mind" thing. But like Craig said on Sunday, he lasted about 15 seconds the first time-maybe 30 seconds the next time...and grew from there. That's what I've experienced this week and I'm very excited about becoming the best of friends with my God just by keeping it simple and spending that STILL time with Him. It's our CHOICE to do so each day. Give up some of the good stuff to make way for the best from/with/for God. So, God's telling me "KISS". Keep It Simple.........Son! ;) Looking forward to growth in Him exponentially.

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