Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 20 - Overcome

Today's Scripture: Psalm 34:1-22

Today's Devotional: In order to face the "what ifs" of fear, you must seek God until He takes away your fears. How different could your life be if you put your full trust in God and strived to seek Him daily?

Response by: Nick Baker
David wrote Psalm 34 after a pretty close call.  He was on the run from King Saul and headed into the country of Gath, whose king would recognize him as an enemy.  He didn’t know what to do at first, but after calling to the Lord, he was shown a way past the king and his guards.  David rejoiced by declaring that he would always praise the name of the Lord; encouraging others to do the same.

I can relate to David a little bit, here.  I remember being in a tight squeeze myself and searching for a way out.  I was working for a company that just was not a good fit.  I didn’t know what to do about it, and found myself sinking farther and farther into a hole that I didn’t think I could get out of.  I still remember the exact moment that I realized God was with me.  I had cried out to Him that I just couldn’t do it anymore and needed a way out.  He answered my prayer and showed me a path to freedom.  I reached out to God and He saw fit to deliver me from the pain I was in.  I have declared His glory ever since.

Just like David, I found myself in-between a rock and a hard place.  Neither of us knew what was going to happen next.  All we knew was that we were in deep and needed help…fast!  I bet you’ve been there too.  Walking through a fog of uncertainty, not knowing where to turn next.  God is there and ready to deliver you.  All you have to do is ask, just as David asked.  Close relationships work best when both parties play an active role.  When we take such a step toward Him, we will see His strength in the response.

When facing the “what-ifs” of life, do you turn to God…Or to your own abilities?  Do you seek Him out, or hope that He finds you along the way?  Jesus tells us that we will experience trouble on earth, but that we can “take heart” because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Something to talk about: In what ways has the Lord “overcome” the world for you?

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