Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 34 - Community

Today's Scriptures: Acts 15:22-41, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Deuteronomy 7:1-6

Today's Devotional: Even though it may not be easy, your toxic relationship may grow to such a dangerous point that you may have to end it. Today you will read more from God's Word about why it is sometimes necessary to end a toxic relationship, and examples of toxic relationships that ended.

Response by: Nick Baker
God has not created us to experience life alone, but to live in community with others. So what do you do when a member of your “community” is toxic? At what point do you make a decision to keep this person in your life, or remove them from it, altogether? Relationships are very important to our growth and development as people and it can be hard to decide that one of these connections is no longer one that you want to be a part of. It can be painful. It can resurrect old hurts. It can alter other relationships that you have.

It may be painful to “cut out” toxic people or relationships, but God is more interested in your character than your comfort. That’s not to suggest that God doesn’t care if you hurt. Rather, it means that He would rather see you living a life for Him than anything else…even if it hurts a little. Your Christian character is what He cares most about. You could be living in the biggest home, have the best looking clothes, drive the fastest cars, wear the shiniest jewelry, or own the most impressive résumé. In short, you could be living a life chock full of physical comfort. Even with all this, if you are living a toxic lifestyle, speaking toxic words, or not living a life for the Lord, what does that say about your character?

God doesn’t want us to live in the dark. He crated us to live in the light and find ourselves in community with other believers who are there to shoulder the load and help us through this thing called Life. When we surround ourselves with the kind of people that will help us grow…rather than lead us to destruction…we find that God is with us as well.

Something to talk about: Why do you think we tend to have more toxic relationships in our lives instead of healthy ones?

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