Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 27 - The Clear Lens

Today's Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:1-17

Today's Devotional: When we interpret everything according to God's Word and the purity of His truth, we will realize there are a lot of things people are doing that really don't draw us closer to God. This is why it's important that we test everything according to God's Word because the Bible contains absolute truth. God's Word should be our guide. Why do you think it is so difficult to filter out cultural toxins in today's society?

Response by: Nick Baker

I recently went to the eye doctor for a checkup. I prepared myself for the anxiety-ridden exercise of “Which looks better…number 1 or number 2? Number 3 or number 4?” And so on…and so on. It’s not hard. All you have to do is validate which option is clearer. But sometimes it’s tough to differentiate. Sometimes “number 1” is sort of clearer than “number 2”. And sometimes “number 3” is a little sharper than “number 4”, but “number 4” seems a little brighter than “number 3”. I don’t want to get this wrong. This is my vision we’re talking about. One slip and I’ve got lenses that are an inch thick. That is a lot of pressure!

In his second letter to Timothy, Paul warns that Timothy will come upon people who are opposed to Christ’s teachings. But, if he focuses on the truth and understands the impact of Paul’s obedience, sufferings, and perseverance, Timothy will see that the Lord can deliver believers from a sinful environment. Further, Paul challenges Timothy to bring others along for the ride and to view the world around them with the love of Christ on their heart; focusing on the truth found in scripture.

We are also charged to view our daily surroundings through the different lenses of the world and of Christ. Sometimes the heavenly lens looks sharper than the worldly one…but other times, it seems like the difference is negligible. Paul reminds us that if we want to see the truth in clear, high definition, we need to view our surroundings through the perfect lens of Jesus. There is no other lens that is as sharp as that of the Lord’s. We don’t have to worry about trying to determine if the lens of man is better than the lens of God. The lens of God is always crystal clear.

Something to talk about: What lens are you viewing your landscape through? If things look a bit cloudy, is it time to get a new prescription? If you shed the toxic blinders over your eyes, how much clearer is the view?

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