Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 22 - Cultural Toxins

Today's Scripture: Proverbs 25:26-27 & 3 John 1:11

Today's Devotional: Our lives are full of cultural toxins, which are those things that are culturally acceptable, but hurt our souls. Cultural toxins can be found in the books we read, the magazines we read, the music we listen to, the television shows we watch, and in the movies we watch. When we allow cultural toxins into our lives, it pollutes us. This week you will learn what God's Word says about the dangers of cultural toxins and the importance of focusing on things that draw us closer to God.

Response by: Nick Baker

When I was in college, I took a long weekend trip with some friends to Estes Park, Colorado.  We spent one of the days hiking and at one point we came upon this little waterfall and stream.  Two of us decided to take a drink straight from the stream.  We knew the dangers of drinking fresh water that had not been treated…namely, countless bacteria that lived naturally in the water that our bodies were not accustomed to…but we figured “What are the odds that something bad will occur…besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”  Later that day, I learned exactly what those odds were and how bad it could be.  Long story short, I spent the next few hours in an incredible amount of discomfort.

The water looked fine.  It was right in the middle of nature.  Untouched by human hand.  Clean.   Wrong!  Just because the water looked fresh and inviting doesn’t mean that it was made for me.  I learned the hard way that consuming something that looked fine, even though I knew about its toxic elements, had consequences.

Solomon writes in Proverbs 25 that “a muddied spring or polluted well is like a righteous man who gives way to the wicked.” (verse 26)  Once dug, a spring or well should provide clear, clean water.  If it becomes dirty, however, it is polluted, ruined, and no longer provides a benefit.  We are no different.  God created us as clean creatures in His own image.  Unfortunately, we live in an impure world filled with cultural toxins.  When the priorities and influences of earthly desires get into our system, the output is no longer pure.  It has changed to reflect what is within.  The Apostle John warns in his third letter that we need to make sure we don’t copy the toxic world around us.  Instead, we should imitate that which is good, right, and acceptable.  Good comes from God, while evil does not. (verse 11)

Something to talk about: If you were a well, what cultural toxins would be in your water?  How have you seen these toxins pollute your life?  Are you imitating the earth’s evils, or God’s goodness?

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