Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 32 - Healthy Boundaries

Today's Scripture: Matthew 16:21-28

Today's Devotional: Matthew 16 shows us that one way to manage toxic relationships is to set healthy boundaries in the way Jesus did with Peter. You might need to tell that person that you won't let them talk to you or treat you in a toxic way, or you may simply need to tell them that you are just not going to go to a toxic place in your relationship with them.

Response by: Morgan Coil
Healthy boundaries. Boundaries are awesome. In relationships and just life in general. With people it's good to have boundaries between each other because then you can know what to expect of each other.

I have boundaries with not only my friends but my family as well. Boundaries lead to well communicated relationships. With friends or just people at school in general I like to think of boundaries as a way to protect and guard my heart. I have my values and my beliefs and if I can set a standard for myself and let others know, I can prevent myself from being placed in toxic situations.

I'm not saying toxic situations are completely removed from my life but the more people know about my values, the more respect I receive with keeping those values. It's also a way to be held accountable.

Simple boundaries can lead to great changes in your spiritual life.

Something to talk about:  What types of healthy boundaries do you need establish in your relationships? How will you go about setting those boundaries?

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