Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 35 - Don't Be A Stumbling Block

 Today's Scripture: Romans 14:1-23

Today's Devotional: If you're hurting all the time, you can't help hurting other people, but if you will do what it takes to Biblically manage toxic relationships, then you can be strong and share the love of God to people who need to know Him. Strive to manage the toxic relationships in your life, and more importantly, strive to make sure you aren't being the toxic one in your relationships.

Response by: Chad Schuchmann
Hurt people, hurt people.  Toxic people, create other toxic people.  But healthy relationships lead to even more healthy relationships.  We can learn to manage ourselves and avoid toxicity if we can learn healthy ways to respond to the toxic people in our lives.

The absolute best way we avoid toxic people is by refusing to become toxic ourselves.  In today's scripture passage, Paul writes, 
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. (v13)
He continues in verses 15 and 19,
If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. (v15)
Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.  (v19)
Okay, confession time...I don't often think about how my actions will impact someone else, much less what I eat.  But I think I get what Paul is trying to say here.  If I am aware that someone does, or might, struggle with a particular sin or behavior, then it is probably best I stay away from that behavior, even if it isn't a "stumbling block for me."

What does this mean?  If I have a friend who has an addiction to alcohol, or who has people very close to him (or her) who have struggled with addictions to alcohol, then it is probably best for me to avoid cracking open a cold one or mixing up a cocktail in their presence.  If my action causes them to stumble, or causes hurt because of another persons association to that action, then it is best I not pursue it, especially in their presence or when it could influence them.

Make EVERY effort to do what leads to peace.  Act in Love.  Stop Judging.  Make up your mind not to cause others to stumble.  It's pretty hard to allow the influence of, or become toxic, if these things other things are present first and foremost.

Something to talk about: What are some things you can to do to build healthier relationships in your life?

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