Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 23 - Above the Influence

Today's Scripture: Romans 12:1-21

Today's Devotional: The toxic lie so many of us believe is because everyone else does it, it's okay for us and won't harm us. The truth is just because everyone else does it, doesn't mean that it's right for us spiritually.

Response by: Brad Krebs
I love those commercials.  The anti-drug awareness programs that outlined the dangers of drug use, especially on kids.  The message was simple, your life is better when you avoid the negative actions of drug and alcohol use.  By living above the influence your future is much brighter than succumbing to the influence.

The devotional reading from today hits on a similar topic.  It focuses on the lie that if we do what the world is doing, that we will live unharmed and prosperously.  The thought that it doesn’t seem to hurt others, that it won’t hurt us either.  Unfortunately it’s not true.  You may not be physically harmed or emotionally harmed, but it will lead to spiritual harm.  To find more details, we can examine the scripture from today’s reading.  It hits in the first two verses:

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. ~Romans 12: 1-2 
Let your body be a living and holy sacrifice!  Wow, what a demand!  If I was more knowledgeable of biblical history, I would go into great detail about this, but I only know enough to give you a cliffs note version.  In Jewish culture, it was customary that animals offered for sacrifice must be flawless. It would be easy to sacrifice an animal you couldn’t use, but it meant something to you, if it was perfect, and would hurt to lose it, it was a perfect sacrifice.  So to live your life as a living sacrifice God is calling us to live a life free of flaws.  And in verse two, Paul argues that you cannot live this blameless life when you conform to the customs of the world.  When you do things of God, you become closer to God, when you do things of the world, than you grow apart from God.

I know I have used the excuse that it doesn’t affect me.  This movie, or this drink, or this song doesn’t affect my walk with Christ. But honestly, it does.  I am a different person when I neglect my calling of God and live in the customs of the world.  My inner demons get louder and more prevalent, but when I focus on my daily devotions and scripture, and surround myself with what is good, I find it amazing on how much easier life becomes!

Take a look at some of the worldly pressures in your life that are pulling you away.  It is an ongoing battle to be a living sacrifice, but by avoiding the worldly callings, that battle may become a little easier.

Something to talk about: How have you seen toxic influences in your life affect your relationship with God and others?

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