Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 28 - Four Things

Today's Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:1-21

Today's Devotional: When it comes to cultural toxins, the bottom line is that we must flee from sin and the things that can cause us to sin. Instead, we must strive for a life of purity. Strive for the things that matter to God and not for the things that matter to others.

Response by: Chad Schuchmann
We are NOT a body with a soul...we ARE a soul with a body.

This phrase is prevalent throughout this devotional series and through what Pastor Craig has preached on over the past four Sundays. Last week, Pastor Craig preached about Good, Great and Supreme.

So often, we focus on good and important things, but in doing so, we neglect the supreme. I've often found myself echoing this when it comes to our spiritual lives. As a father, I understand the desires parents have for their kids to gain a good education, a good job, get married, have kids, be successful...but these are all societal and cultural desires and influences. These are not necessarily bad choices but the question is, are they the supreme things we should focus on?

What about our souls? Why are we are so concerned with the next 60-80 years of the lives of our kids and yet often neglect what happens after that? What about their eternity?

When it comes to cultural toxins, it is very easy to get swept in and consumed. Instead, Paul suggests something different for Timothy in four steps (vs 11-12)

1. Flee Cultural Toxins
2. Pursue Righteousness
3. Fight The Good Fight of Faith
4. Take Hold of Eternal Life

Does this mean we stop reaching for the positive and good things we desire for our families, our children and those we love? Certainly not. But it does suggest we put our focus first on that which is most important, which is eternal, which is forever.

We are NOT a body with a soul...we ARE a soul with a body!

Something to talk about: What things do you need to start focusing on that will help you draw closer to Christ?

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