Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 29 - Toxic Relationships

Today's Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-24

Today's Devotional: The people in your life can be one of the most important spiritual assets or be one of your worst curses. Those relationships that are a curse to you are toxic. This week you learn from God's Word about the dangers of toxic relationships and the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people.

Response by: Nick Baker
I went to a seminar once where the speaker gave an illustration on relationships between believers in Christ and unbelievers. He asked us to picture two people standing side-by-side holding hands. One is standing on a chair, while the other is standing on the floor. He then asked us which was easier: For the person on the chair to pull the person on the floor up, or for the person on the floor to pull the person on the chair down. Basic physics and gravity aside, the point was that it is generally easier for bad influences to impact good character than the other way around.

Paul shares this thought when speaking to the early Christians. He says that “Bad company corrupts good character.” (verse 33) He is telling the people of Corinth that there are a lot of folks out there saying that resurrection of the dead does not happen. If that were true, then Jesus would not have been resurrected either. And if Jesus had not been resurrected, what exactly are we doing? If resurrection wasn’t possible, even for Christ, then Paul says that the Apostles have been “false witnesses” and their faith is worthless. (verses 14-15)

It is important for us to surround ourselves with positive influences. When supported by those who share good character, we have strength in fighting off those things that might turn us away from doing what God created us to do. Also, when part of a positive peer group, it becomes easier to influence the “bad company” you come into contact with. So, if you find yourself standing on a chair next to someone standing on the floor, rather than hold their hand and see what happens, try offering them a chair instead.

What toxic influences do you encounter each day? How do these influences impact your walk with Christ and with others? Who, or what, are you surrounding yourself with?

Something to talk about: "Bad company corrupts good character." Describe a time when you experienced this warning in your life. What did you learn from your experience?

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